VDS Hosting
VDS hosting (Virtual Dedicated Server) caught me up. Then, I told to my husband because this is good for him because he is working with computer doing programs, making webpage and etc. and he like it. This VDS hosting it is good one because they offer softwares, hardware and they offer you to pre-setup your server everything you need and maintain in all hours. They offers too many free tools like firewall protection, account Migrations, FFMpeg modules for youtube and many more free. That’s what my husband he likes this VDS hosting.
In this VDS hosting you just pay only a low price in all features of a dedicated server and this is world class Network. Wow, how is that so nice if you only pay a small price for this great server? isn't it? VDS hosting(Virtual Dedicated Server) is highly recommend.
In this VDS hosting, they also have guarantee which about that your website will stay online seriously. They also always provide a new latest technology and most up to date softwares nowadays. They have open forum which is very useful too. Open their website now VDS hosting.
The MacArthur Park
This is our photo that we were boyfriend and girlfriend for almost 5 years now. On that time while my husband and I still engaged we like to go here, go around the park, sitting down on the green grass and chatting.
My husband and I love this place Mc-Arthur Park because it is so nice and cool breeze air. Which is I also like is so green and clean. And beside of this park, there you can also have a buko (a fresh young coconut to eat and drink juice). This place is not far from our place, it’s just 15 minutes by car or 35 minutes by jeepney (another transportation in Philippines besides tricycle or buses)
This is called Mac-Arthur Park, because this is the place where General Douglas Mac-Arthur landed with the American Liberation Forces in 1944. The Statues stand in a lagoon, it is bigger than life sized.
This Photo above took last 2006 during our summer Vocation in Philippines.
This Mac Arthur park also near by red Beach Palo, Leyte which is a historical beach.Awards From Friends
I pass this Biggest Heart award to Sis Marilou, Ate Nieves, Malyn, Idealpinkrose Marlene Lemback and Lisagold
And I recieved this Blog of the Month award from AmorFrancis. Thank for this beautiful award, I appreciate it!
I'm passing this Blog of the Month award to Sis Marilou, Ate Nieves, Malyn and Ging2x
As I am a mom of little cute baby boy and I am too addict for shopping. Yes now, I thanks, I found this Grapevine.com boutique shopping online, I don’t need anymore to go the city and drive my car because Grapevine.com is here I just purchased Online.
Grapevine.com they share also their fashion tips and professional insights. It is so nice when you have tips about the fashion so that you will know which is good to wear or what the latest fashion is now. Isn’t it nice? Wow, this is good for me or for us who are like fashion style in our everyday lives.
In this Grapevine.com, you can also share about your travels, food and lifestyle, movies choices, recipes, comments, as well as your fashion suggestions.
Now, don’t wait the time, just click it now in Grapevine.com and find your items of what you are looking for.
A Little Bit Shopping In Lausanne
I had a great weekend. My Husband my baby and I went to Lausanne, but before that, we planned to go the small town near by our place in Murten. It is a German and French language town just for roaming around and a little bit to walk there, but we end up to Lausanne City, because in Murten the weather is really so bad it is so foggy so my husband decided to go in Lausanne and we drove almost 1 and half hour, what a hassle! It is only for a walk and we end up to this far place Lausanne. (Well, that’s really my husband and I we really love to spend our day to go outside, when we have nothing to do so, and we just go out, enjoying to the fullest of the day, no matter how far is that, only want spend time together and enjoy)
That was the first trip with our baby, which is a little bit far from our place.
When we were there, the weather was so nice; it is sunny, it is cold though, but perfect because it was a sunny weather. There was a bunch of people walking on the street and some women wearing for summer clothes, gosh! In addition, that was cold for me. There was also busy buying something, like clothes, shoes, bags and others. there are some younger boys and girls laughing each other.
We walked a little bit around the city, we bought my husband shoes, and of course, I bought for myself too! hehehe, (My husband make fun of me and he does always counts how many shoes already I have) the shoes was not expensive and it is leather too, that was a big discount to us, that’s was I like and I bought also two pairs of clothes. It is nice to buy a something when there is a big discount and of course, when it is good quality.
This Lausanne City, it is nice town too but it is tiring to walk because the road is steep. I told to my husband, “I will never live and work on this City, if I go every morning to walk this kind of way I will be so skinny but that can good also for exercise , but anyway, if I born there, maybe I used to walk that kind of road everyday!
Our day was wonderful and we enjoyed our visit in Lausanne, even this City is steep to walk and a little bit shopping in there, that I feel so good about this hehehe.
We arrived at home almost 8:00 in the evening and my baby cute boy tired too, I just fed him and he fall asleep then.
I think maybe, this coming spring or summer we will go back there, to have walked again hehehe of this steep place to walk around. I think we will look the other parking place that we will not walk too much on the steep road and so that it will be much easier for us and not a lot of effort climbing up to reach the place that where we want. It was a great experience in Laussane I had.
Amazing Rock Formations
Remembering in Milan Italy
We stayed in Mediolanum Hotel. I would like to recommend this hotel, because
the room is modern, the bathroom is clean, quite big, and you can have a king size bed which is not so expensive and affordable too. The breakfast is included, that is what I like to stay of this hotel Mediolanum and it is located at the heart of Milan between the central station and Porta Venezia.

I enjoyed our city tour in Milan, Italy. It is nice to be there to see the people and to know more culture and history of this City.
20 Questions Tagged
Here are my answers
1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before? i forgot LOLs..
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I will keep as I can…
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? its me…giving birth last November 7 to a cute baby boy *wink* then my close classmate in German class, Last December 15.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Oi purya, wala tawon…
5. What countries did you visit? Some Cities of South of France year 2005, Monaco during Autumn year 2005, Catalunyan Region Spain especially Barcelona year 2005 and 2006, Paris France during spring time year 2005, United Kingdom London during spring time year 2005, Germany in Europa Park during Autumn time year 2005, Italy Cities including Pisa, Florence and Rome during Spring time year 2007 and Grand Canaria Spain during summer time year 2007.
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? Transfer another flat better than we have now.
7. What was your biggest achievement of the year 2007? Got my Diplom here in Switzerland yupey and of course to have my cute baby boy, this is our bundle of joy.
8. What was your biggest failure? hmm.
9. Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope, thanks God.
10. What was the best thing you bought? Im am shopping addict, mostly women are like to go shopping, I am right? lols, the best thing I bought are clothes, bags, shoes, DVDs Movies, scented candles, software and technology like cellphone. And mostly now, I bougth for my baby boy clothes. It's so cute!
11. Where did most of your money go? same answer in number 10
12. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Excited for my mom’s coming this spring time here in Switzerland to visit us. Hopefully she will get the VISA soon and to my sis too.
13. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier
b) thinner or fatter? Fattier because just past few months I delivered my baby boy eh, I eat to much kasi hahaha.
c) richer or poorer? Whatever! LOLs.
14. What do you wish you’d done more of? Wish to go back my Swimming course and to go back my body fitness course, not possible for now so busy taking care of my baby, but I wish! LOLS…
15. What do you wish you’d done less of? Doing iron! want to help me?
16. What was the best book you read? Ai “The Count Of Monte Cristo” which husband and I bought in Marseilles City, France during our vocation, where the count of Monte Cristo movie stated on the book and in the movie, but I am not already finish reading this book Lols, because is so thick.
17. What did you want and get? Just want my hubby stay here on his office,
18. What did you want and not get? want to visit my family in PI.
19. What kept you sane? blogging.....
20. Who did you miss? Now, I miss my hubby LOLs..he is not beside me by this time LOLs.. and my family back in PI.
How about you? I tagged you Sis Marilou Ate Nieves Joydob Chic Shopaholic Rich
Blogging Buddies, Forever friends and Love Blogs Award.

Anyway, want to say to you a Big Thank You for this award, I appreciate it!

A true friend for me, unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably and
which are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer. A friend is the only person you will let into the house when you are Turning Out and reaches for your hand and touches your heart, in all the time always there through thick and thin.

Mount Rigi-The Queen of Swiss Mountains
When I looking up our photos in my computer, these photos caught me up. These photos we were in Mount Rigi January 17, 2007. Mount Rigi called the Queen of the Swiss Mountain. It is so nice to have experienced to go this known Mountain. This Mount Rigi is the one of the greatest attractions of Switzerland, apart from its well-planned cities and cultural capitals, is the picturesque Alps Mountains. In the late 19th century, the Alps were made popular by Joanna Spyri, whose book "Heidi", about a little girl living in the Swiss Alps was an instant bestseller. Yes, I love to watch this Heide in Television early in the morning.
Someday, I want to go back on there with our little baby boy. It is nice to walk there, exploring around on this Mountain, it is really picturesque Alps Mountains.
If you have a yen to see the sunrise from a mountaintop, there's no better place to head than Mount Rigi (5,894 feet). Travellers have been trekking up here since the 19th century to do just that. A handy hotel a few feet from the summit means you can make your ascent the day before. It'll take about four hours to hike up (you can halve that if you take a mountain bike). The going isn't too tough, though it does get steeper at the end. Your reward will be a magnificent panorama of Alpine peaks crowding around the convoluted contours of Lake Lucerne.
Choo-Choo Train Tag
Cut and paste the following starting here.
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)
It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially! The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community
- Make new friends!
The Strategist Notebook Link Addiction Ardour of the Heart When Life Becomes a Book The Malaysian Life Yogatta.com What goes under the sun Roshidan’s Cyber Station Sasha says Arts of Physics Dagboek Dutch converted Asian Enjoy Your Meal And the legend lives My View, My Life! Pusang Maganda Rebecca Pretty Norms JJ Tita VK Chai Chary Pia Maureen Pazing PetradearNancyRichXtianAna GracieThe Chic Shopaholic My Fave Hangout7107 Islands Nor Casaca Irel Precious Ricka Rosemarie Marlene Lemback Ging2x Justine LadyNorms Petradear
Tag Ticket
Here are my answer this tag.
How long have you been bloging?
I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years now, but not here in blogspot, just in yahoo 360 and this blog, it's almost 2 years now but before I keep on private this blog not on the public. I just shared this blog before of some of my friends from yahoo 360 blog. I just open this blog to the public last Novemver 2007.
What inspired you to write a blog, and who are your mentors?
Well, I like blogging, through blogging I can create friends all around the world. No one convinced me to do blogging, I just convinced my self hehehe…
What are the 3 things that you love about being online?
• Chatting with my family, relatives, friends, classmates back to Philippines and online friends that I’ve never meet already.
• Searching anything what I’ve like he-he-he
• Now, to have extra income, as I have now a cute baby boy, I can’t go back to my work.
What are the 3 things that you struggle with in the online-world?
• Want to know more HTML, CSS and making website.
• I hate to be disconnected during chatting with my peeps..
• Don’t like if I open one site so a lot to download and makes my computer hung, that makes me drives so crazy.
Im tagging to Pretty Life Online,Ging2x, sis Melanie, and Chubby and Sexy
8 Thing To Be Thankful
1. I am so thankful to God; he gave to me a wonderful husband.
2. I am so thankful for almost 4 years living with my husband, God given to us a wonderful child.
3. I am so thankful to have a wonderful parent's, sisters and bros.
4. I am so thankful to have a wonderful parent’s in-laws and very good friends where I am living now and friends online.
5. I am so thankful; I got my Driver License here in Switzerland last December 2006.
6. I am so thankful I got my 1st diplomas in Switzerland as teacher or leadership of kindergarten one.
7. I am so thankful to God; he won’t give me a trial that I can not handle.
8. at last but not the least, I am so thankful to God he give all the things what I needed the most!
and now I'm sharing this tag to Ging2x, Malyn Mayumi, and Anna.
Recipe for Vegetarian Spring Roll
20 sheets spring roll wrappers
2 carrots
1 white cabbage
1 cup dry flavoured soy mince
300 g beansprouts
salt pepper
oil for frying
for dip:
soy sauce
white vinegar
1 canned sweet corn
Note: Don't cook the sweet corn. Add only the sweet corn, when you put to the spring roll sheets.
Shred carrots and cabbage. Add beansprouts. Soak soy in a little bit of water untill damp.
Add soy sauce to mixture; salt and pepper to taste.
Wrap into spring roll sheets and then fry in oil.
Delicious with a soy sauce and white vinegar dip.
Pinoy Singer, Vincent Bueno, Won Singing Contest in Austria

As I'm a fan of TV shows, movies, and sports, but one time when I’ve always changed the channel my attention was this Singing Contest on ORF channel. On that time, Vincent Bueno performing. I was so impressed because he has really a magic voice. Three judges was really also impressed to him, he has really a good voice. I thought he will be the champion of this singing contest.
I did not wrong of what I’ve thought, yes, He is! He won!
Vincent Bueno, he is a 22 year old son of Filipino immigrants in Austria, has just won Austria's premiere singing talent contest.
He won, January 12, 2008 last Saturday; he became the Asian and the fist Filipino to become grand champion of the ORF (Broadcaster) (Austrian national broadcaster) “Musical! Die Show”( Musical! The Show) an Austrian Television musical contests. Vincent defeated 2 Austrian Eva Klikovics and Gudrun Ihninger of 10 contestants/finalist, and earned the top prize of 50,000 euros (P 3 million) plus the “chance of a lifetime” He first performed "Grease Lightning" (from musical Grease), and then, "Music of the Night" (from Phantom of the Opera).Vincent got 67% of televotes (landslide victory) from televiewers in Austria and nearby countries. 2nd placer Austrian Eva Klikovics received 37% of televotes while Gudrun Ihninger was eliminated earlier, and salvaged third place.
The contest Musical! Die Show began on elimination round of November 23, 2007 with 10 contestants from 400 beginners who auditioned. Austria and other European televiewers rated / televoted the finalists. "Hair" was Vincent's first number, and he performed memorable songs - "I Wanna Be Like You" of Jungle Book, "Superstar" of Jesus Christ Superstar, "Why God Why?" of Miss Saigon, "Singin' in the Rain", and the German "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" from Mary Poppins. Musical The Show", as project of Austrian broadcasting TV ORF, is not an ordinary singing competition like "Starmania" or "American Idol". Completely different, it involves theater arts, musical, and acting capability. Specifically, unlike Western and Asian talent show contests, Musical! Die Show, is comparatively more difficult and challenging due to its theater leanings. Aspirants would act and sing a la Broadway, and instead of merely singing pop tunes, they choose Broadway musical theater repertoire.
Yan ang Pinoy, lalaban kahit saan man sa Mundo. Are you proud being pinoy?
We are pinoy, we are proud being Pinoy!
What's The Name
Now here is the instruction:
This one is easy. All you have to do is spell your name using the letters and their corresponding meanings.
Meaing of my Name
R-Good bf/gf
I-Loves to laugh
C-Really easy to fall in love with
K-Really silly
V-Not judgmental
I-Loves to laugh
E-deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
V-Not judgmental
E-deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
S-Lives life for fun
nyahahaha---so funny meaning, silly this tag! LOLs...
Name Meaning Here:
A: Gorgeous
B: Loves people
C: Really easy to fall in love with
D: Is great in bed
E: deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
F: People wild and crazy adore you
G: Never let people tell you what to do
H:Freakin’ beautiful eyes
I: Loves to laugh
J: Makes people laugh
K: Really silly
M: Makes dating fun
N: Sexy
O: Has one of the best personalities ever
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Good bf/gf
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great kisser
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: Loved by everyone
Z: Lives life for fun
Now, I pass this tag to Amorfrancis, Jessie Simbulan,and Lisa as Lisagold
Col du Chasseral
Chasseral mount about 1600 meters from sea level, in West side of Switzerland in Biel or Bienne, the French Language, and the German language they speak, it is quiet far from our place from Bern, it is 45 minutes to drive the car!
Here u can see the fantastic view, the pretty alps and the land of Switzerland. Where u can cacth the clouds too..he-he-he-he..and u can see some cities of France! Isn’t it great view?
Col du Chasseral
"The bike tour across the Chasseral is one of those circuits you really need to experience once in your life. The Chasseral is the highest point in the region, and certainly the clearest point of attraction. As soon as the snow has melted, bikers and racers are already working up a sweat on the Jura giant.
As well as the stunning views of the Alpine chain and the Jura itself which are to be enjoyed, the big Chasseral tour will keep you busy negotiating plenty of tricky trails. Further endorphin-exhilaration is guaranteed on the 28 downhill kilometres of the second part of the tour."
Get Paid to Blog
get paid for blogging. So its interests me and I found this website smorty. It is a website offers you to make money by just writing an opinion about the articles from advertisers. Make a blog posting, get your opinion approved and and get paid to blog. It is just easy, how great you can earn money by just blogging in a comfort of your home. So if you want an income from blogging, smorty is the right choice to earn money. It helps an income per month and it helps pay off your bill. Start your blogging and get paid, this is better for you as you are only sitting down infront of your computer and make blog for money.
what are you waiting for? check this out Smorty.
Good Morning Gals
How was your sleep gals? This Morning, I had a dream, my dream was Im still sitting on computer and doing entry some oppss.wahh, buing! maka addict computer, grrr, got so big eyebugs now. Anyway, I'm here to say you guys, Have a great weekend! Hope you have fun and say to you all enjoy the weekend!
Hugs you all. See you later on, when I get back from our grocery, its getting late afternoon now here and soon the markets stores they will be close, I don't like tomorrow to go for grocery because lot's of people on the markets stores and that's makes me drives crazy.
Construction Skills Training
Which Disney Princess Are you?
You Are Snow White
Which Disney Princess Are You?
How about you, Which Disney Princess Are You? Tell Me, I pass this tag Ging2x, Anna, Justine sis Melanie
To take the test just clic "The Which Disney Princess Are You?"
RBS six Nations
rugby championship in the TV as seems it is interesting sports for me. Are you a one of the fan of rugby tournament? Rbs 6 nation is a online rugby games which you will be updated of events, championships news, the result of the tournaments and other games and the podcast section of
six nations fans in Europe’s international rugby tournament. You will see your favorite player too through this website Rbs 6 nations online rugby games. You will see how many points of any player played the tournaments, you will know some information about them, and you will read variety of topics. How nice you will read the news and know who wins the championship the sport that you like and the team too.
Happy Birthday sis Marilou

Now this time I want to say to you, Happy Happy Birthday and hope more blessings to come in your life.
Here is my Birthday wish for you:
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!
Online Casino pro360
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Gstaad, The Romantic Mountain Village In Switzerland
Hubby and I last January 22, 2007, we went to Gstaad. We had planned to go up to the mountain but hubby forgot his pocket, so, we have only a little money and not enough to go to up mountain to ride the cable car, so we decided just roaming arround the city.
Gstaad is the Romantic Mountain Village in Switzerland. Which is also more tourist to come and look the beauty of the City. and it is also twinned expertly with Cannes – is an odd place.
You’d think, from the high profile of its name, that it would be some kind of glittering Geneva-in-the-Alps, a fantastically expensive mountain paradise.
Yet although its instant name recognition may effortlessly attract Europe’s royal households, celebrities galore and countless lesser hangers-on, Gstaad is in fact just a one-street village, a rather charming, attractively located place full of restored weathered-wood chalets – even if there is an overabundance of jewellery shops and furriers. Nonetheless, its high-roller status makes it a village like no other. If you fancy being snubbed by the world’s richest people, come here for Christmas week, scene of a heady round of sparkling soirées and lavish banquet-style dinner parties all but barred to ordinary mortals. Glossy magazines may advertise the town as some kind of winter wonderland, but St Moritz steals its luxury-class thunder on this score: Gstaad is really more of a place to spend the odd ten grand renting a hillside chalet and sipping champagne around town than it is somewhere you can get stuck into any serious skiing. Where Gstaad really enters into its own, prosaically enough, is as a centre from which to hike the little-known Saanenland during the summer months.
Shopping Cart Software

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This ashop commerce secure Shopping Cart Software is integrated with all major bank accounts, 3rd party processors including pay pal. As we know that because of high technology, we use nowadays credit cards to shop online this means you should have online security software so that the customer will always buy products in your online store and you will be happy, as you will be successful. You should buy this one now if you want to be a successful merchant online. You will just pay less per month and you may see your earnings are increasing through your shopping cart software checkout security.
Through your Shopping Cart checkout security helps increase your earnings and be successful your online business. As we know customers will be skeptical to buy your products if you do not have a shopping cart checkout security, you should buy now!
About Me
Here’s the rule:
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. At what age do you wish to marry ?-I am married now, and I wished I married at age of 25 and I got married at age of 24.
2. What color do you like most?*I like color blue, pink and red the most.
3. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?*I love you forever and ever.
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?*As I am here in europe want to go to philippines visit my parents and sis, and also in US specially my dear sister living in Florida.
5. Which part of you that you hate the most? Nothing, Because I am happy what I have!
6. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?Talking to hubby and trying to make jokes. And when He is not besides me or in his work, I watch TV and chatting some friends in yahoo.
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?*Losing someone that I care the most my hubby and my cute baby boy.
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?*Will buy a big house and new car LOLs...
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. ..*Nice, thoughtful and funny.
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?*Nothing to wish as of now because Im happy with my half, he is a kind of a man that every woman wish for.
11. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?*Lazy learning languages!
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?*Which I hate the most is Liar person.
13. What is your ambition?*To have 3 kids someday!
14. If you had one wish what would you wish for?*Nothing to wish from now on, want to think 1st because mostly I have all already! Maybe tomorrow I can answer this. LOls...
15. How would you celebrate new year?*Here in Switzerland, we Celebrated new year with my friends and with our loveones, we had party, yearly New Year Eve Party. We had a lot of fun, then on the next going to the restaurant with hubby's family.
16. What is the best gift you can give to someone this year?*I hope I can give him a big screen monitor computer because his looking for this.
17. Are you afraid of death?*As of now, I am afraid about this, because I want to see my baby he's growing, marry a woman that he love and his kids someday.
18. What did you learned in life?*
19. What is the best thing to do if you had just a break up?*Just want to be alone.
20. Would you give your life to save someone very special?*Yes, because I can't live without him. LOLs..
Ecommerce Software
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What are you looking for? get this shopping cart software now for your online business.
Presents From Brazil
Yesterday, at 11:00 am when I was going to shower, the doorbell rang and I was thinking I am not going to open he-he-he silly me. Because I was still wearing sleeping clothes but I did decided to go out and open the door. I was surprised the mail carrier was standing the front door with the package. Whew! I knew already where it comes from. I thought already from Brazil, from my husband’s classmates when he was studying an English language in Australia. This is not the first time she sent a package to us, she sent every time when the holiday season comes. She sent a gift for my husband’s birthday also, she sent to me too and for our little baby Cedric and how sweet she is, that she remembers my husband and she cares and thought of us too.
City of Bern During Holiday Season
Hubby and I went to the Bern City during Three Kings Day. Its just 5 minutes with our car, when with Bus within 15 or 20 minutes ca. and with the train just 10 minutes ca. you will be then in the City of Bern.
We parked our car a little bit, far from where we should go.
In addition, when were passing by the bridge we saw the Alps, it was so beautiful, I love to see this mountains. These are the known Alps in Berner Oberland, the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau. It is not look like quiet near. When it is good weather this is you can see from our place to Bern.
Then we go back home and it was already dark. This is the City of Bern during the night of holiday season.
2 Month-Old Baby Development: 1 week
Below you can learn more about the 2 Month-old Baby Development:
2 Month-Old Baby Development: 1 week
Into complex designs
At this point, your baby will begin to move beyond his early preferences for bright or two-toned objects toward more detailed and complicated designs, colors, and shapes. Show your baby — and let him touch — a wider variety of objects. Good choices include plastic cookie cutters, soft balls, and stuffed animals.
Hear ye, hear ye
Your baby can differentiate familiar voices from other sounds and is becoming a better listener. He also can show you that he's in tune with his environment. Notice how he looks to see where certain noises are coming from.An ongoing conversation (although still one-sided!) can help your baby develop his sense of place. He may even watch your mouth as you talk, fascinated by how it all works.Note: If you have any doubt about your baby's hearing, don't hesitate to mention your concerns to your healthcare provider. Even though your baby's hearing may have already been tested, new problems can arise.
A helping hand
The chaotic first months are over and your baby's schedule is probably becoming more predictable. If you and your partner are raising your baby, it's important for both of you to get a chance to care for and bond with your baby. Make sure whichever one of you is not the primary caretaker gets regular time alone with your little one, for bathing him, changing him, and just getting tuned into his needs.If you're a single parent, try to find another adult, such as a grandparent or an aunt, to spend time with your baby. This will give your child an opportunity to bond with other loving adults, and give you a welcome break from the hard work of being a parent to a young child.
Remember, your baby is an individual
All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon. If your baby was premature, keep in mind that kids born early usually need a bit more time to meet their milestones. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, ask your healthcare provider.
An award from Justine

Happy Three Kings Everyone
Today is Three Kings Day! Happy Three Kings Everyone. What are you doing today gals in 3 Kings Day? Hubby and I, have plan to go outside, but grrr. the weather today here is so bad its quiet dark outside and foggy and it is really cold makes me frozen its 7 degree celcius or 45 °F, but that is not really normal here usually in January the degrees will be in minus degrees, but now we are here strange weather ha this week!
Hopefully, this afternoon will shine and also tomorrow or this whole week or month or a year, how so nice weather is that in all time always the sun shining! huh..this makes me miss in Philippines, because mostly the weather there is so nice and pretty good warm.
I want to say again Happy Three Kings Everyone!
Good Day!
Last night, I went to bed late but when I was in bed I cannot sleep, I thought I was tired enough to sleep but I was not. I cannot sleep directly and probably because the time changed as my baby sometimes keep me awake. Probably, I may have an insomia, as I do not sleep early or because I am often use the computer but I will be fine, I can handle this. Well, this is just my blog today. See you later gals in your page, wanna say to you all, Happy Sunday, Happy new week!
Shopping and Update Today
Today, nothing so special happenings of us, I just taking care of my baby, eating hehehe, cooking, lying on couch with our baby boy while we are watching the shows in TV and sometimes I chatting to my friends and surfing on the net.
Yesterday, we went shopping, we bougth some clothes of my baby because he recieved a gift certificate from his grandparents, friends and relatives and I bought two pairs of clothes too, as I am being addicted of buying stuff, I cannot control myself not to buy especially when I see something looks nice for myself. It is really such a universal female attitude likes to do shopping, don't you agree with me? Just bought it on the spot because it was alot of people in the store, i did not try if it is fit on me or not the store was very crowded as after Christmas alot of people go to store as they recieved some giftcards from their friends, relatives, parents and others there was no fitting room vacant, so I decided to pay it immediately without trying even if it is fit on me or not but I love the color and the style it looks great on me.
Is quiet expensive though but this is really good for baby care. Made of lambskin, the Babycare Longwool Soft Natural Lambskin Comforter is perfect for soothing baby with genuine comfort provided by quality materials. The Babycare Longwool Soft Natural Lambskin Comforter is perfect thermal control all year round and can be used in a variety of ways. Wool is nature's insulation keeping baby warm and cozy in cold weather. In hot weather, wool absorbs moisture which is then released into the air, leaving baby drier and more comfortable. machine wash and dry once a month.
Care Instructions:
Hand washable
Machine wash and dry
Do not iron
Do not bleach
Can be professionally dry cleaned
Color: Oaten
Dimensions: 32-37 inches long with minimum width of 22 inches
Pile height: 1.6-2.7 inches
Oks gals, thanks for peeking again my page! See you on your page tomorrow! hugsss...good night! Here our time almost 2 AM now, when Im posting this entry. hayy, blogging blogging!
New Year Eve Party, Welcoming 2008
Last year 2007, I had so many things and happenings in my life, I got and recieved and of course never to forget this to mention 3 times on vocation, we had blast cities tours in Italy, 1st in Milan, 2nd in Rome, Pisa and Florence vocation and 3rd beach vocation in Grand Canaria, Spain and lastly but not the least my adorable baby came into our life, so healthy and no difficulties during my operation. He is our BuNdLe of JoY. This is the right family that we called. Im so thankful to God for that all what he gave to me last year's, and now we are facing another year, hopefully the world have peace and more luck and more blessings to come into our life.
And this is the 1st New Year Eve Party of our cute baby boy. I am so much happy for all this things happened and he came into our life.
How was your New Year Eve Party folks? Me, was so great!
We had yearly New Year Eve Celebration, the celebration was successful, we had full of laughed, full of chikahan, singing, dancing, playing games ai basta sadya jud kaayo ming tanan, our laughed 'til on our ears jud as in. hapit na gud nagisi ang nawong cge katawa LOLs... hastang sakit na akoa panga jud cge katawa. Saonz mga pinayz jud bungis-ngis. We celebrated at the house of my pinay friend. Couple of years we celebrated the New Year Eve at one room that we always rent, but this New Year Eve we celebrated at the house of my pinay friend coz the room that we rented before there is something wrong/broken, that's why we celebrated only at the house of my friend. We enjoyed and full of foods on the table.
Take a tour of my some photos below:
With my some Pinay Friends
The Ambience.
Standing that is Kimberly daughter of my pinay friend, she wanted only to posed LOLs..
This is the important of the swiss people the arrangement of the table.
The Desserts I forgot to take photo for main foods!
These are the food that I Cooked that I brought in our party, I cooked this for almost 4 hours this Gluten Meat my recipe Vegetarian Kaldereta, so long?LOLs This Gluten Meat this is not easy to make and cook that why need really to spend time. well, I like cooking LOLs.. This is Vegetarian Kaldereta, that is not a meat that is Gluten Meat, I think you know what is that Gluten meat if not open this site about Gluten Meat and the other is the shrimp with roll of bacon for cocktails. Isn't look yummy?
My King and My Prince say to ya all, Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope You enjoy my some photos during the New Year Eve Party! Happy New Year! Happy 2008!
* New Year’s tradition *
Meme from Kikay. Now I am tagging to my friends, Sis Melanie, Justine,Ging2x and Anna
Rule:Copy the person and persons’ names that sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list. It really helps to build community.
Here goes:
What are some of your new year’s good luck traditions?
I don't have any New Year Tradition...We just celebrating and preparing foods, 12 round shaped fruits on the table and we thanks to God that the all things what he gave and the another year's come. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” SwitzPhils
I don’t really believe that much New year’s tradition but since I was grew up with it I tried to do so and It is a little effective to bring luck through the years. But what I do believe much, luck is in your hands with prayers and belief to God. No matter what tradition you will try to follow if you don’t acknowledge God as the total source of your supply then everything will be worthless. Everything is a blessing from Him. I also collect coins and put in a wallet and make noise during new years eve, round fruits, dressing up nicely, putting different kinds of menu in dining table, jumping to increase height ha-ha, Avoid spending money at new years day and yeah that polka dots clothes. One thing I remember before we pick a rose flower and put it in a glass of water and then every member of the family will share drinking the water to keep us family binded through the years.kikay-site.net
My beloved mother told us don’t open the money pouches until a few days have passed. Traditional New Year foods are also thought to bring luck, she said 13 different kinds of fruits is good luck, and family together around tables of traditional foods. lolli of s0-cute.net
My mom used to collect some coins and when the new year comes she put the coins in a bowl and shake it to create sounds. She said its good luck for money throughout the year. And also wearing dotted dresses on new year don’t know why. CC and chalyza and keep.
I don’t have any traditionals during New Year. Juliana RW
My old folks always told us to avoid spending money on new years day. They said, once you spend on the first day of the year, you like to spend the rest of the year.Behind d Scenes of ME and Retchel’s Pure Life and A little bit of me
I grew up believing that if you have some money on your pocket (whatever you’re wearing) come New Year’s eve it will ensure steady flow of income throughout the year. The other belief is that the main door of the house should be wide open come New Year’s eve so that good luck will be ushered in. Juliana of MY WORLD and JULIANA’S LAIR.