Award from Pretty Life Online
Thnks for this award pretty, I appreciate it!
Happy New Year Everyone!
And I pass this award to my sis Ging2x, Liza, Novz, Marlene, and Jessie
Christmas and New Year, Swiss Style

People in the village of Kandersteg in the Bernese Oberland take to the streets on December 25 dressed in costumes meant to frighten away evil spirits.
The characters are part of a pagan ritual - repeated on January 1 - called “Pelzmartiga”.
Child eater
Some of the figures wear fur (pelz = fur) and frightening masks, and wander through Kandersteg rattling chains and ringing bells. There are wild beasts, “rag men” and even a “child eater”.
They are reminders of the natural dangers, disease and poverty which once plagued the village.
There are similar events, called “Tricheln”, held between Christmas and New Year in the towns and villages at the eastern end of Lake Brienz. Town folk use bells and drums to scare away the forces of darkness.
The events culminate on December 28 in the “Uebersitz” when people from the whole region bring their noisemakers to Meiringen and march through the streets to chase away any demons still lurking about.
And in the western Bernese town of Laupen, the tradition is known as “Achetringele”, or bell-ringers. A group of schoolboys descend on the old town from the castle swinging and rattling large bells.
Onlookers beaten
Other boys carrying homemade brooms and pigs’ bladders accompany them. After farewell speeches are made to see out the old year, they beat onlookers until their brooms and bladders are in tatters.
Things don’t quite get so out of hand in Wil in the eastern canton of St Gallen. Many people in the town hang oil or candlelit lanterns outside their homes on New Year’s Eve.
Shortly after dusk, hundreds of children proceed through the town carrying their own handmade lanterns, singing hymns. The tradition was originally known as the “inspection of the lanterns”, when a committee went door to door to ensure compliance with a regulation on emergency lighting.
In Scuol in the Lower Engadine, villagers take part in the custom known as “Glümeras”. They put homemade candles in pieces of bark or walnut shells, and let them float in the village fountains.
The origin of the tradition has long been forgotten, but it’s believed to be closely tied to pagan rituals marking the winter solstice.
From Swiss info.
New Year's day in Philippines
In the other, there are also practices some people do, which are bring fortune, good luck, prosperity in the new year, some people jump at exactly 12 midnight, as they believed that they will make them grow taller, some people of their house keeping lights on, for more luck and bright future for a year and eating 12 round shaped fruits. People say that is how your whole year will be like.
Guests, visitors, co-bloggers, friends and families, Happy New Year Everyone, more blessings to come this year 2008.
Award From Marlene
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Merry Christmas everyone!
French - "Joyeux Noël"
German - "Froehliche Weihnachten"
Hindi - "Shub Naya Baras"
Indonesian - "Selamat Hari Natal"
Italian - "Buone Feste Natalizie"
Norwegian - "God Jul"
Portuguese - "Feliz Natal" "Boas Festas"(Good Holidays.)
Spanish - "Feliz Navidad"
Swedish - "God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År"
Turkish - "Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun"
Christmas Symbols Capital of the Philippines

Christmas Time in Tangub is always celebrated with great merriment and colorful activities. This is possible because of the one of a kind display of indigenous and low cost giant Christmas Symbols at our city plaza and highway barangays for competition. Today, Tangub City has gained another tagline as the Christmas Symbols Capital of the Phils.†Recent reports from the Department of Tourism indicated that Tangub City is included in their calendar of activities as one of the tourism destinations in the country during the “Christmas Season. Foreign and local tourists came in by busloads every night in order to experience and witness these yearly festivities in a very native setting. A dramatic increase of our tourist arrivals has been experienced. It is perceived that the contributing factors for the influx of the tourists during this year is because of the unique interpretation and presentation of the different Christmas symbols of various shapes & sizes lavishly displayed at our plaza and barangays, a really breathtaking sight to behold that catches everyone’s eye and imagination.
Christmas in Switzerland

In this tiny Alpine country in the heart of Europe Christmas celebration stretches much longer. A tinkling of a silver bell heralds the arrival of Christkindli - a white clad angel, with a face veil held in place by a jeweled crown. The tree candles are lit as she enters each house and hands out presents from the basket held by her child helpers.Christmas celebrations in Switzerland do not differ very much from those in other western European nations and the United States. However, the customs in Switzerland's four different linguistic regions (German, French, and Italian) tend to resemble those of their immediate neighbors, Germany and Austria for the German-speaking part, France for the French-speaking cantons (states) and Italy for the canton of Ticino and southern valleys of the Grisons.There is an interesting difference in comparison with American customs: Santa Claus plays a much smaller part at Christmas. In the German and French-speaking parts of the country, his role is taken over by the "Christkind" or "Le petit Jésus," the Christ child, a beautiful, radiant, angel-like being with wings, dressed in white with a shining crown and a magic wand. According to popular belief, it represents little Jesus. Though sometimes, it is connected with an angel bearing a light or star who heralded the birth of Christ at Bethlehem. The Christ child also has the attributes of a fairy (wand and wings). Little children are told that this person -and not Santa Claus- brings the tree and the gifts on Christmas Eve. That is why small children do not get to see the tree before the actual celebration. Bigger children, however, help the parents decorate the tree. At the foot of the decorated tree, a creche is often placed with wooden or ceramic figures representing the adoration of Jesus in the manger at Bethlehem, with shepherds, angels, sheep, a cow and a donkey and the three Magi.Usually parents decorate the tree on Christmas Eve. But more and more, especially young families are adopting the American way of having a decorated tree and electric lights all through December. (December is also "Advent" or "waiting" period: four candles on a green spruce wreath are the outward sign of this period, when a new candle is lit every Sunday until Christmas Eve. Advent is usually a hectic time with buying gifts, decorating tree and other ornaments, learning poems and songs, all contributing to the festivities of Christmas. After an early dinner, the whole family, ideally several generations, gathers around the tree. Songs and sometimes hymns are sung. Some read the birth passage from the bible. Gifts are exchanged. Those who are not too tired go to midnight mass which is always particularly festive. The most popular song heard during that time is "Silent Night, Holy Night," written and composed in Austria. The tree is always there on Christmas Eve. But depending on the region, Christmas gifts are exchanged on Christmas Day, January 1 or January 6 (Epiphany, when the three Magi were said to have visited the Christ child).The name Santa Claus comes from Sankt Nikolaus or Saint Nicolas (an early Christian bishop from Myra in present-day Turkey, the protector of children). This friendly figure does not play a role at Christmas, but appears on December 6, the Patron Saint's Day. In the Swiss German part, he is known as "Samichlaus" and he visits homes and schools, distributing sweets, fruits and nuts to well-behaved children and giving good advice to the less well-behaved. In Switzerland, he is not accompanied by a reindeer, but very often by a donkey and a dark-clad assistant. The children assume that they come from the snowy mountains.
More info about Switzerland: Swiss World
Filipino Christmas Tradition
Christmas Eve in the Philippines is one of the traditions most families celebrate. It is a night without sleep and a continuous celebration moving right into Christmas Day. As December 24th dawns, the last Mass of Simbang Gabi is attended; then preparation begins for Noche Buena, which is a family feast that takes place after midnight.
The Noche Buena is very much like an open house celebration. Family, friends, relatives, and neighbors drop by to wish every family member "Maligayang Pasko" (Merry Christmas). Food is in abundance, often served in buffet style. Guests or visitors partake of the food prepared by the host family (even though they are already full or bloated!). Among the typical foods prepared in the Philippines during Christmas are: lechon (roasted pig), pancit, barbecue, rice, adobo, cakes (Western and native rice cakes), lumpia, etc. There is also an abundance of San Miguel beer, wine, and liquor, which makes the celebration of Christmas indeed intoxicating!
The streets are well lit and are full of activities. The children run in and out of the house to play, to eat, and to play again. The Christmas Eve gathering provides an opportunity for a reunion of immediate and distant family members. Some families may choose to exchange gifts at this time; others wait until Christmas day.
In general, the center of a family's Christmas gathering is always the lola, the endearing term used for a family matriarch or grandmother, who is deeply respected, highly revered, and always present. Filipinos remember how their lola had their children form a line and step up to receive a small gift of some coins. The older the child, the more coins he or she receives.
Some families have a talent show during Christmas Eve celebration. Children are asked to perform. One might sing a Christmas song, others might play a musical instrument, or others may recite a poem or do a dance. The celebration continues until about 6 o'clock in the morning. Those who cannot attend Mass the night before will go to the morning Mass on Christmas day.
Christmas day is a popular day for children to visit their uncles, aunts, godmothers, and godfathers. At each home they are presented with a gift, usually candy, money, or a small toy. Food and drinks are also offered at each stop. It is a day of family closeness, and everyone wishes good cheer and glad tidings.
Did you know that?
Longest and Biggest Rivers
The River Nile is the longest river in the world. It measures 6,695 kilometres from its source in Burundi, along the White Nile, to its delta on the Mediterranean Sea. Officially, the shortesr river is the D River, Oregan, USA, which is just 37 metres long.
The biggest river in the world, measured by the amount of water that flows down it, is the Amazon. On average 120,000 cubic metres (about 20 swimming pools' worth) of water flows out of its mouth every second.
The longest river of Europe is the River Volga. It flows primarily in a southerly direction through Russia into the Caspian Sea. The second longest is the Danube, flows west to east before entering the Black Sea.
Friend Award From Anna

Philippines Top Tourist Destinations
There are many Top tourist Destinations in Philippines are: Manila, Cebu, Palawan, Bohol, Bagiuo, Ilucos Sur, Ilucos Norte, Davao lastly Boracay. More info here:Select Philippines
I recieved an Award "Creative Blogger"
QuickCam Communicate Deluxe

A Tag from Anna again!
2007 Christmas Tree Blog Parade
Tree Blog Parade.

######start copy here######
This is the first annual 2007 Christmas Tree Blog Parade Meme created and conceptualized by OTWOMD of Bluepanjeet.Net. The purpose of this meme is to enliven the Christmas spirit by showing to the world our very own Christmas trees. They say that it is on the Christmas tree that best describes how a person celebrates Christmas. So here are the rules:
1. Copy the Logo of this meme (Download it on the sidebar and resize it that
will best fit your blog or according to your desire) and post in on your
2. Take a photo of your Christmas tree inside your house. A whole shot is the
most appropriate photo. And post it on your entry
3. Tell something about your Christmas tree like who decorated it, what are
the ornaments and accessories, or what is the theme and meaning of your
Christmas tree this year.
4. You can put any title on your meme but don’t forget to include this “2007
1st Christmas Tree Blog Parade”.
5. Do the link train history. Put the link of your previous bloggers who tagged
you and your own link, Example: Tag History: Bluepanjeet - “you” -
The link train will provide clue on “who tagged who” and at the same time a reference of data for the creator of this meme.
On The feast of Three Kings in January (The official ending of the Christmas Season), Bluepanjeet.Net will launch a mini site that will feature all of the participant’s Christmas trees for 2007 with a link back to their site. That is why it is very vital that you maintain the link history so that your Christmas tree will be included in the Christmas tree blog parade of 2007 and will be a part of history.
So tag now, you only have one month to spread this meme.
My Christmas Tag History: Bluepanjeet - Chuvaness - Marlene - SwitzPhils -“You” (Put your link here) -
#####end copy here#####
I decorated 3 colors ball, the silver, gold and red, with the small snowman with glitters and the other different stuffed for Christmas tree and with the candle light and with the different blinking small lights so that my living room look lively during this Christmas Season. Its look nice when you can see in real.
Moonlight Dreamshow

Baby CD got this yesterday our Christmas present. Last night we tried out this and he really enjoyed watching the show make him smile and make him asleep. Im so glad we bought this things, because it is brings to him to enchanted world of the Pooh friends and wonderfully clear images dance around the room with music, while the harvest moon softly glows to send baby off dreamland. This magical dreamshow make my baby comfort lying on bed looking at the show and will fascinate during my baby's wide awake and sleep times alike.
This is complete with sound activation from you or your baby and further cycles will play until there is no noise around to active the lightshow.
It was so funny lastnight I wondered why was so direct played even I didn't press the buttom. I knew, only this morning is with the noise activation..hehehe..because lasnight I didn't read the directions, that is why!
Disney Winnie the Pooh Moonlight Dreamshow by Tomy.
Projects images of flying bees and butterflies on to the front screen and around the nursery to enchant and fascinate baby.
Voice activated lightshow with Winnie the Pooh theme tune.
Woodland images gently move across the glowing nightlight.
Plays comforting and much loved Pooh lullaby.
5 or 10 minute lightshow cycle.
Superior quality of projected lightshow on ceiling, and longer battery life.
Stimulates and calms your baby during key developmental periods.
Attaches to cot or free standing.
Powered by 4 x AA batteries (not included).
Suitable for ages 0m +.

Friday afternoon we recieved this gift from Hungary from the uncle of hubby living in hungary for good. Its is nice gift for Baby CD, T-shirt and long pants, me and hubby we really surprised! Hayyy it is nice the gift for my baby is never ending begin in hospital 'til here at home is sooo near too another gift will arrived from family again! *wink*
An award from Anna
A time of Christmas

Christmas for me is the ultimate reminder on how much God loves us, that He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to be our Savior. For me, its a celebration of love and a time to share our blessings to others.. a time for giving and reaching out to the less fortunate and it's also a wonderful time to be with your family. Christmas is not just all about santa claus or the gifts that you will receive or for shopping, we should always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season and let us reflect on how much God loves us. - Just Let Go/Pieces of Me*Christmas is about giving love, forgiving. This remind us how lucky and how God love us when he gave us his only son Jesus Christ. A time for sharing our blessing to our family, friends and to others. - Celebrate Life/My Journey.*Christmas for me is not the new things that we have and enjoying the bounties in life but remembering that someone is born to redeem us from our sins and making sure of our salvation Teebob.*The true meaning of christmas for me is sharing, giving, expressing love to one another, and remebering that there is one person up there, who is born on the 25th of december to save us from everything . A lot of people told me that christmas is for kids. yes, it's true but I prefer to say that christmas is for everybody and sharing love to one another is the keyword remeber, "you can give without loving but you can't love without giving ". Alaverde33*Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The date of the celebration is traditional and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus birth with various secular customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals.In most places around the world Christmas day happens on December 25. It's a special time of the year - a season of love and a season of giving. A time to share, to give and of course to receive a wonderful gift from beloved..Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.*As the word Christmas itself convey, this day is the celebration of Christ. It's his day since this is the day we celebrate his birthday. Everything we do on this day should be in his honor...just like we get the honor when we celebrate our birthdays. So do what you normally do on this day but remember to give the honor to the celebrant himself, Christ. Juliana of Pinay Wahm and Teacher' Corner.*Christmas is an event that happen each year to remind us that a savior was born to save us from our sins. People gathered together in the Church to thank God for bringing his Son to our lives. Its a time for sharing, giving, loving, and a mass celebration to all Christians by going to the midnight Mass. Runaway THoughts of Emz and Our Journey to this so called Life .*Christmas is an annual holiday that people around the world celebrates. People are gathered together to celebrate this traditional festivities. A time for giving, sharing, caroling and eating of course. It's the only event of they year that Santa comes out. Kohler's Realm*Christmas to is a birthday of Jesus Christ. It's also giving and sharing to one another as it's a traditional expression around the world. Time to gathered with family and friends, caroling and joy as we welcome the other year. Christmas is a special day for all of us, especially to kids as they wait for Santa. As what they said "Give Love On Christmas Day". It's time of love and joy. Anna's Daily Journal
*-A Christmas for me is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus who we believe who is our great savior and who died for us because of our sins. As we believe he is our Almighty Father, during Christmas time, whoever who is our enemy is we forgive them and realized its time to show love, kind, goodness and being generous to someone we care about and that is why we exchange gifts during Christmas time and get together with our family and relatives. Even though, we doesn't get any gifts from somebody else that we gave one, its just alright as long as we show love to them, its not only in Christmas time to show of affection to somebody else, anytime we can do it, but because it is already also our tradition as Christian people who believes we need to give a gift to someone during Christmas time specially to our family and friends. Well, it is nice also we have a Christmas celebration, so that we can receieve some gifts from someone who loves us and they can show their affections to us even by just giving gifts or a Christmas card.gmunchkin-*
*-Christmas is a time of gift-giving, when children hope to receive presents from their parents, other family, and friends and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at once a time for joyous celebration and solemnity. During the month before Christmas, there are parties and chances to eat good food and sing traditional Christmas carols, and its celebrated in the home with an evergreen tree decorated with a small ornaments and electric lights, and the other they decorated at the outside of the house with many wreath and lights, they have also decorated maniature of the manger or Santa Claus and inside too. The family get together on Christmas Eve to have a dinner. Its so wonderful with the family on this season! Amazing Life
And I tag to sis Marilou and sis Mel.
2 floating eggs

2 eggs floating with malonggay(don't know in english name) and with red pepperoni and I just put also the meat seasoning and black pepper so that a little bit spicy, the taste was so perfect it's delicious! Im really so hungry! I like this malonggay. Im lucky yesterday hubby and I went to the Indian, it was good the have stocked, I really missed this, within only 3 minutes! hmmm really yummy for me. In Philippines some people don't like to eat this malonggay(don't know what this in english hehehe)because its bitter taste when they cook, hmmm I have a secret for that, so that will not bitter taste do not strir it, just let it 'til boil, in 3 minutes or it will cooked quick when its high temperature and its better when its not overcooked, its tasty and delicious it has more nutrients :-)
I recieved these things yesterday, I was soooo surprised! Hubby got this in mail box and he look so happy for me when he walked towards to me from the infront door because I recieved these things and someone sending to me. When I saw the name infront of the enveloped the name Horizont Verlag, that name so unfamiliar and strange for me, I don't know where is these from, but I didn't ordered this one on online shop a couple of days, why I recieved these things?
Inside of the enveloped has a bill but not so expensive just 12 swissfrancs only, 1 Disney small box, 2 books the Bambi and Dumbo, 1 winni Pooh Lamp and the winnie the Pooh baby Bib. This makes me amazed so cheap wowww only 12 sf. I pay for this things? hehehehe...I think when I buy these things in the shop, its expensive. Anyway, Im so happy that is not so expensive because I never really ordered these things on online shop and Im glad too to have this things for my adorable baby boy!Good Morning good morning!!!
Yesterday, I recieved good news a text messages from my classmate. She is my classmate in my German class, he gave birth a little boy, her name is Orsi, wanna say big CONGRATULATIONS Orsi you are now big mommy! She is from Hungary and married a Swiss man, she is my good classmate and good friend, it is almost 4 years now we have still communication, what a coincidence we are the same pregnant of this year, but I am the 1st giving birth last month hmmmmm...but we are 4 kaberks in German class we are all pregnant, the other 1 from India, she gave birth last October but we are not so communicating each other much unlike Orsi, and then me on last month November and then Orsi and this coming 2008, I have a another friend, 2 friends 1 frm Malaysia she is my kaberk too, she is my co-swimmers in our swimming group, I think around May or June she will give birth too, and a 2nd woman is a Pinay, I only knew last couple of days that she is pregnant, she sent me a text messages that she is pregnant but before that, she called me that she felt not good, she always craving food but she throw up after she eat, and I told her, "I think your pregnant" after a day, she was on her doctor and yeah was confirmed she is pregnant within almost 2 months and this coming July Next year 2008, she will give birth... hope everything its ok for her during this pregnancy. What a blessed friend I have! Im so excited for her. Im so excited for them! A big CONGRATULATIONs to them! Maybe one day when we see each other and together in restaurant with the babies it so many babies hahahahaha...whata funny?!!!
Oks cyah again guys, thnx for peeking by my page! Wish u have a great day! Tschüss...tsuppppp...
Taking care of yourself after giving birth thru Cesarean Operation
All new parents can benefit from assistance at home after childbirth, but for a woman who has had a cesarean birth such help is essential for at least the first week. Not only are you undergoing a transformation to a nonpregnant state and learning to care for your new baby, you are recovering from major surgery. Adequate help, allowing you to rest often during the day, can make a great difference in how quickly you feel strong and well. Taking care of yourself and your baby should be your only duties until you feel ready to take on more.
I as am delivered my child thru Cesarean these activity restrictions are usually recommended as what the midwife and doctor said are as follows.
Limit stair climbing as much as possible.
Don't lift anything heavier than your baby for the first two weeks.
Ask your mate or a friend to do laundry, vacuuming, and other tasks that require bending, lifting, or pushing for at least the first few weeks after birth. Then resume such work gradually.
Do not drive a car for the first two weeks.
Take showers instead of tub baths until the incision is completely healed and dry.
Ask your doctor or midwife for specific instructions on the care of your incision.
10 Health Tips (The Basics to Practice Every Day)
"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything." -Arabian Proverb
1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!
2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
10. Choose Your Parents Well
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.
Good day bloggers!
Today I woke up early morning and my baby Cedric too. Hubby woke up earlier than me because his office its far from our place. Every weekdays he travelled almost 3 hours *sigh* to go to his new work, and back and forth will be almost 6 hours and arrived at night 8 PM...hayy think of that? so tiring....and I miss my hubby at a day too to see him, yeah he is too! he missed our baby Cd and of course the owner of this page, but this January he will be here in our place, he will get new office, the cheif of him give the new office in our place, so that he will not travel so long hours. yeyy, Im glad for that hubby can stay here in our place in whole day, when I need help so he can help at the same time.
Today, just my daily routine, taking care of baby Cd and maybe I will do also iron our clothes, there are so many bundle of clothes in our basket not already finished iron,, hayy life of new momma...many things to do! yeah that its a new mommy so busy everyday. It is good I have still time my fingers working here doing some entries here in my blog, I am trying hard everyday that I still update my blog and have new entries.
Oks co-bloggers thats all for now, cyah later! Tschüsss Tsuppp...
This Cornercard there are different color gold, silver, or blue.
Hubby got color gold and me is silver color. This Cornercard there are special privileges which do from Visas or MasterCard. There are different exemplary service and personal care in German in French and in Italian round-the-clock, favorable fees, more security and protection abuse.
This is very good one really secure because there is also a security chip and passport photo on your Cornercard, fairness and transparence and constantly attractive offers. You can choose also from a huge number of designs and advantages exactly the Cornèrcard which corresponds to you: As a credit card and as a Prepaid card.
The advantages of this Cornèrcard, onlineaccess, mobileaccess, payment in foreign currencies, hire-purchase possibility, credit payment of interest liability with loss or theft travel accident insurance: It is only valid if you have paid with your Cornèrcard luggage loss assurance, Only valid if you have paid with your Cornèrcard recovery and return costs and Only valid if you have paid with your Cornèrcard
Yep, I am happy to have this Cornercard because it is secured card and there are many advantages.
Gran Canaria Vocation last June 15-31 2007
Photos took in Apartment
From our Don Palomon Apartment where we stayed , u can see directly from our veranda the long beach and the sand dunes. In our Apartment they have a little pool, I used go to pool to swimm, never tried on the beach coz it is difficult coz of my situation that I am pregnant, sometimes there quiet big wave and sometimes little wave. The Apartment is really good, nearby beach and nearby market too. We enjoyed so much the hot sunny weather.
After 3 days we rent a car for just 3 days for roaming arround the Island, is not so expensive, it is affordable.
We rode the camel too and went to Siox City and Palmitos Park. It was great experienced with the Camel, it is really different than the horse, yayy!!! Try out guys..*wink*
Palmitos Park
Sioux City
Camel Safari
Took in Palmitos Park during show
Within 2 weeks stayed in Grand Canaria we really had a great vocation and great experienced in this tropical Island.
Took in Sioux City and on Sand Dunes nearby our Apartment
Today my Baby Cedric is 1 month old

We named him Cedric David, isn't cute? Hope is good for ur airs guys!
Within 3 weeks he can already a little bit smile and say ahhh and ohhh and now this week he is 4 weeks he really perfectly see something and I can really play with him too with some little stuffed toys and he can really play too alone with some stuffed toys hunging on his crib. yayyy Im so excited to see my baby crawl on the bed, sofa and on the floor(hayy limpyo jud ko ani) and to see when he is walking and also feeding food to him, laughing out loud, singing, and saying Mommy and Papa and do shower with my baby ohhhh...Im really so excited of that all! Yeyyy, Lets see then guys!
Christmas is fast approaching
Hubby want to have a Christmas tree, but me not so, coz I feel tired and so much more work also, yeah it is nice to have a Christmas tree during this season and I like to decorate too, but this time, Im dont' have taste to have a christmas tree at home, but hubby really want to have, so I decorated yesterday, we finished almost 2 hrs decorated this, it is quiet big and look nice, it is not true tree just a plastic but look like true tree, isn't it?
Photo with my adorable baby
The other last days, I bought some big balls coz we don't have much big balls and I bought also ribbon for our Christmas tree for look more alive.1st day at home and 1st night baby sleeping of his bed
Bundle of joy

My adorable little baby Cedric David
Im glad u are finally here.
My heart is jumpin'
Your are Angel sent from above.
Now, I can touch u and hold u in my loving arms.
With kisses and kindness and keep.

My love to you is so wide and deep.
You are our bright as the sun like shining.
Our love for you is unconditionally.
Our world makes brand new everyday!.
There's no other who could take your place.
You are our bundle of joy.
My baby Angel is born!

To make it short the story, in whole day they put me 2 dextrose, checking the pelvix every 3 hrs, putting the medicine in my anus and also they injected me, I don't know what kind of medicine of that. they do all possible that the baby comes out, but still the baby not going outside only the movements of the baby are getting more and more and still the water not going out, Night came at 8:00 PM, I feel soooo painful in my pelvix, something my getting breake...!!! I think u knew what I mean, mura jud magisi ang ako bee LOLsss...the midwife called a Narkosis Doctor so that I can have a Anesthesia, so that I can't feel the painfull. The Narkosis Doctor was there after a minutes and then he put me a Anesthesia and the midwife told me that I must always change my position lying down, but still the baby not good in position inside but my pelvix are good already its expanding. 30 minutes ago the midwife get out the water, she used the long stick, I think that was 12 cm stick to get out the water but still the baby is not going out, and the midwife decided to call my OB doctor, she asked that need to be Ceasarian Operation, huhhhh My feelings was so strange, different feelings nervous or hmmm basta âng feelings ko ay halo-halo na...the midwife told to hubby and to me, my operation going to be at 10:00 PM. at 10:14 PM the baby cames out, My BABY ANGEL BORN, the MOST AWAITED TIME, its a cute and healthy baby boy, yessssss praise God! oh yeah! he is big, he was 3920 grams and 50 cm. OMG, thats why, thru CS. They showed me the baby on the time the baby was crying, yesssss, I just said only "oh my baby" that only I said coz I was so tired and then I fall asleep. I don't remember anymore what are the next happenings LOLs... can u imagine that almost 24 hrs I was to be in labor? LOLs...but at the end I am Ceasarian Operation. yeah that it is here in Switzerland or I think mostly here in Europe country are like that must 1st try to be normal deliver or to be in labor if there is no difficulties.
Back to the story, I awake already when I was on the room where we was before when I was in labor, yesss I asked 1st then to hubby, "where is the baby" they showed me and yessss and then I hold my baby on my shoulder!!!
I stayed in hospital within 7 days. The midwife and my OB doctor asked me if I stay longer, but I refused not to stay longer, coz I am so excited with my baby to go at home *wink* and I felt more so tired and not getting better when I stay longer in hospital specially hubby not allowed to stay on hospital to sleep grrrr...!!!
November 13, Welcome baby a new home! Now we are perfect and right family! Praise God I delivered a cute and healthy baby boy! I thanks to all HIM... He's there always when I need HIM. And to hubby thanks ur really my Schätz(Treasure, my darling) Im proud to have u!!!!
Aquarium Take Along Swing from Shopping Online

Shopping online it would be great specially when is low prices.
Me and hubby bought this for my baby Angel a Auquarium Take Along Swing in this online shop Aquarium Take Along Swing. So much soothing in a portable, compact size! Also my baby enjoy the wonders of an aquarium wherever I go! The swinging motion makes the fishies in the colorful tanks look like they’re swimming. Now baby can be soothed by eight different swing speeds while watching fishy friends swim.
Baby can pull on the hanging ocean creature friends for music & dancing lights!
Everyday I put my baby, when he is not in the good mood, when I put him in this swing, he really enjoy this swing after a minutes he fall asleep, so I can chat or surfing, write a blog or I can cook, do household chores or whatever what I like to do at home when my baby is on this swing! I am happy we bought.
-Requires 4 “C” batteries (not included).
-Birth to 25 lbs.
-Volume control.
-Baby-or mom-activated lights twinkle to six different musical selections.
-Plays classical music and soothing aquatic sound effects.
-Choose music only, lights & music, or baby activation.
-Extra tall handle for added convenience.
-Eight speeds for baby’s comfort.
-Colorful aquarium tanks soothe and entertain.
-Deep cradle seat supports baby.
-Machine-washable seat pad.
-Colorful aquarium tanks soothe and entertain.
-Hanging toys and soft toy in pocket encourage sensory development.