As a preggy woman, we encountered emotional feelings specially when the due is approaching and we think about the baby future and so on. I put all these my worries to GOD. Everyday my belly is getting more and more bigger and the baby's movement getting more and more stronger.
Want some apple? Took last Thursday(Sept 20), hubby's free day!
You want some apple??? hmmmm.. I love apple!!!
Mommy's to be, still on the go hehehe...Took yesterday(Sept. 23) in Interlaken, Berner Oberland.
Roaming around in Interlaken, preggy still on the go
Me and hubby
Last friday, it was my ultrasound checked up. The baby was pretty good and also the baby growing really good too and also now the baby is in the right position, coz last sept. 6 my checked up the baby was not in the right position, and yes the baby now is in the right position. My doctor said, the baby is good growing and as I am a small woman maybe the baby come ealier. Yess, I can't wait this day!!!! Im sooo excited and hubby. I heard many people not easy to dilever the baby but I pray this all to GOD, all my worries and also about the baby future, I prayed always all this things!!! and also I don't like to think about this all difficulties, thats normal of this life as being a woman. All woman come to this time to be a mother to deliver a baby angel from womb.My baby in my womb growing more and more everyday, a minutes, an hour, a day, in my womb, I encountered pain when I walk, in my hips, my feet and also when I am sitting on the chair infront of my computer, sometimes even when I am sitting on couch and watching TV, my hips is aching, sometimes in my shoulder, but in little minutes will be gone.
Below photos of baby crib and closets...
My mommy can't wait, very Thank YOU, mommy and papa, I'm happy to have this cute things! where I lay down everyday, night and play with those stuff toys, they are so cute mommy.
Oh mommy this is so cute. This is where I lay down when mommy change the pampers to me
Oh mommy really cute things I got! ThAnK YoU mommy and papa.
Fetal development - 34 weeks pregnant
Your baby now weighs more than 4.7 pounds / 2.2 kilograms and is 18 inches / over 45 centimetres from top to toe. She's filling out and getting rounder -- she'll need her fat layers later to regulate her body temperature.If you don't already talk to your baby, this is a good time to start -- at 35 weeks her hearing is fully developed. Don't feel ridiculous if you're already chatting in baby talk. Some evidence shows that newborns pay closer attention to high-pitched tones.
If you've been nervous about going into premature labour, you'll be happy to know that 99 per cent of babies born at week 35 can survive outside the womb -- and most have no major problems. Although your baby's central nervous system is still maturing, her lungs are nearly fully developed by now.
Many women start to notice a tingling sensation or numbness in the pelvic region or pain as they walk. This may be caused by the pelvic joints loosening, ready for labour. If you're terribly uncomfortable, mention it to your midwife or doctor and check out our self-help tips.
• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently - even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.